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Dptutorials is a Project Management resource site run by me, to help people gain the knowledge they need so they can create useful tools, solve problems and get more done.


My courses & tutorials are for those who use Project management tools along with some necessary tools like Excel at work and want to become better. For those that want to contribute by coming up with solutions to problems.


I don’t just want to show you solutions, but to inspire you to experiment, create and share that with others.

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My Story

I'm Project management professional and an excel expert and have over 12 years of experience implementing and supporting users on Project management, Management Information Systems of different sizes and nature of which include dynamic interactive dashboards.


My background is: Civil Engineering graduation from a premier institute, PMO expertise & Project Manager.


​My passion is teaching, experimenting and sharing. I am also addicted to learning and enjoy taking online courses on a variety of topics.

I Appreciate Your Feedback!

Thank you for being here and thank you for all the reviews and feedback you have given me.


Hearing how you’re using the new Primavera, Project management, Excel skills to improve and simplify your work encourages me to create more tutorials, write more articles and create free videos.


I am glad to have you here!

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Why me?

First time I used Primavera and Excel was at my first job as a PMO Analyst. Yep – no Excel at University at the time. I was really impressed and overwhelmed by all the options. There was no way, I was going to learn all of that. I concentrated on the basics and searched for what I needed.


I only expanded my knowledge later when I worked as a Manager. That was when I discovered the power and fun of VBA. I built Excel tools, created interactive reports and setup simple reports that were connected to large data sets. I thought I was an Excel expert.


Until I discovered the Excel forums.


I saw answers I never thought was possible to do in Excel. If I did, I would have googled it.


That was when I had my a-ha moment. There is so much more to Excel than meets the eye!


Every time I learnt something, I thought how and where could I apply this?


When I had to do a new task, I thought – can this be done differently?


It wasn’t easy, especially when you’re under pressure. It’s a process. It takes time.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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